Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cloud Nothings - Psychic Trauma

Cloud Nothings are an indie hard rock band from Cleveland, USA. This track is taken from their album Here and Nowhere Else which was released by Carpark Records in March 2014. The track starts out with a calm, swaying rhythm of ringing guitars with vocals kept low in the mix. Everything shifts abruptly after 44 seconds with the arrival of crashing drums and a doubling of the timing. At 65 seconds the group fall into a new whirling groove with driving, wailing guitars which leads into the raging chorus with singer Dylan Baldi's voice reaching a snarl. I've listened to this track at least 100 times and still get caught up each time in the blinding rush of the guitar slashes as the song barrels into the chorus. This will get your blood pumping no matter the time or place - a strong contender for song of the year for 2014.

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